December 18,2022 By Joe When ordering a casket online, there are some factors you need to take account for. The most important factor is delivery/shipping. Most online dealers offer free shipping. Yes it is true free. The catch is it takes 3,4,5 sometimes 7 days for it arrive. Thats more added stress upon your stressful […]
By Joe December 16,2022 If a parent, a spouse, a sibling or a friend of yours has passed on, you may find yourself in charge of putting everything together for the funeral. However, planning a funeral can be a tough and challenging and very stressful, particularly if this is the first time you are setting […]
December 9,2022 By Joe: MENTION THIS BLOG AND RECEIVE 10% of CASKETS PURCHASED FROM CASKET EMPORIUM. 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy Costco Caskets It’s no secret that costs are rising everywhere right now. Whether it’s food, gasoline, or anything else on your shopping list, soaring prices might lead you to consider bulk shopping […]
December 3,2022 By Joe Owner Costs of Oak Caskets There are many factors that will determine the final cost of your casket. On average, an oak wood casket will cost you at least $2000 for a very basic model. Since it is a higher quality wood, it is priced higher than lower end wood caskets […]
December 3,2022 By Joe A funeral package is a combination of services offered at a fixed price usually by your funeral home that can help you save on funeral costs but that’s not true. Funeral Homes offer packages but if you ask for an itemization of the costs, it usually comes out less. They like […]
December 2,2002 By Joe Owner Funeral Costs United States cemeteries are by and large private which means they can make their own rules and costs They are however regulated by a Cemetery Board, if you have questions.Funeral homes and cemeteries will choose what may be most profitable to them, like mandating families to purchase an […]
November 27,2022 By Joe What are the types of Metal Caskets out there? There are numerous ways for your final disposition. There are ash burials, casket rental options, ash scattering options, cremations and many other viable alternatives. Perhaps the two most popular burial and funeral service choices for caskets are the half-open and full-open caskets. […]
November 26,2022. By Joe Owner The Funeral Rule: Enacted by the Federal Trade Commission, the Funeral Rule explicitly states that you can buy caskets online when it comes to the matter of a casket for your loved one’s funeral. Therefore, you do not necessarily have to purchase the casket from a funeral home. Additionally, as […]
November 17,2022 Joe owner of Casket Emporium Picking the right casket color: Today, there is no dearth of options in the market for burial caskets. Caskets come in various colors, shapes, sizes, hardware and make-up. Despite the many benefits of having several options, one might find the exercise of selection overbearing— especially in times of […]
November 14,2022 Where Can I Buy A Coffin Online? 1) Walmart. 2) 2. Will the Funeral Home Accept a Casket I Buy Online? If you have decided to shop online rather than purchasing a coffin in person from your local funeral home, there are several options open to you. You can choose to […]